Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Multivariate data analysis questions for examinations

  1.  Discuss the importance of factor analysis in data reduction.
  2. What is the difference between varimax and equimax in factor analysis.
  3. Explain rotated component matrix in factor analysis
  4. What do you mean by Eigenvalue?
  5. Define communalities.
  6. Explain principle component analysis.
  7. Discuss the use of maximum likelihood function in the factor analysis.
  8. Explain multivariate normal distribution.
  9. Discuss tests of covariance matrices.
  10. Explain the importance of discriminant analysis.
  11. Elaborate the application of canonical correlation.
  12. Explain multiple regression with an example.
  13. Discuss the cluster analysis application in segmentation.
  14. Distinguish between hierarchical clustering and tw ostep clustering.
  15. Explain K- mean clustering.
  16. Write a note on MANOVA.
  17. What is Ginearal linear model and how it is different from Genaralized linear model.
  18. How wilki's lambda used in multivariate analysis?
  19. What do you mean by bootstrapping?
  20. explain the latent structure discovery.
  21. List any five tools of data mining.
  22. Distinguish OLS and PLS regression.
  23. write a note on SIMCA

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